The One Word Suggestion Podcast with Eran Thomson
One Word Suggestion - Improv Inspiration
One Word Suggestion: Parachute

One Word Suggestion: Parachute

The One Word Suggestion podcast with Eran Thomson

Welcome to One Word Suggestion

Hosted by: Eran Thomson
This week's word is: Parachute

Learn more:

PowerProv Improv Training for Business Teams

Laugh-Masters Academy
Australia's Home of Improv and Sketch Comedy

Show notes:


This podcast is intentionally short and sweet, so don't expect too much from the notes. We will, of course, share links and details of things discussed in individual episodes as appropriate - and that's about it.

The main thing to know is every episode of this show starts with a one-word suggestion, and there's no reason the next one couldn’t come from you.

As long as its not "dildo."


What's the thing that scares you most?

For a good friend of mine, it was heights. So we did the obvious thing: we went skydiving.

I was nervous. My friend even more so.

But we committed. We got on the plane. Jumped out into the unknown. Pulled a ripcord. And watched our parachute billow up as we floated down. Screaming and laughing the whole way with relief, joy and exhilaration.

As soon as we were safely back on terra-firma we immediately signed up to go again.

That's how quickly something that at first terrifies you can become a thing you love.

For me, my biggest fear was deep water, so in university, I learned to surf, scuba dive and sail. Activities I still enjoy to this day. And for this and many other reasons, I'm a big fan of facing your fears.

There is a saying in improvisation, attributed to the legendary improv teacher Del Close:

Follow the fear.

According to a Huff Post article by Mike Bonifer, Del didn't only say this to neophyte improvisers afraid of performing without a script. Del taught the best there was. Bill Murray, John Belushi, Tina Fey, Gilda Radner, Mike Myers - his former students are the improv comedy hall of fame.

What he said is that you can use your fear as a kind of divining rod. Do what makes you uneasy, he taught. Do the thing that scares you most. There, Close told his students, you will discover new worlds.

For a very large percentage of the population, their number one fear isn't deep water or heights, it's public speaking. Being center stage. But despite living in a world where everyone wants to be famous for nothing (thanks Paris Hilton) our classes and workshops are full of people who think they could never stand up in front of a group and say anything that makes sense.

But just like jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, once they realise they can. They sign up for more.

Because its exhilarating, fun, and confidence-boosting. And because the experience, is proof of their personal growth.

And that's why I often refer to improv as "mental skydiving."

If your fears are deep water or heights, I encourage you to jump right in, or out, as the case may be.

But if your fears are presenting, selling, or speaking confidently in front of a crowd, then get yourself or your team into an improv class or workshop.

And follow the fear. Out of it, you will grow.

Plus, won't need to wear a helmet or silly goggles, and I promise you will be 100% safe.

Safer, in fact, than any activity that requires you to wear a parachute.

The ideas, observations, and perspectives shared here are mine alone.
I’d love to hear yours in the comments, or better yet in a review.

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The One Word Suggestion Podcast with Eran Thomson
One Word Suggestion - Improv Inspiration
Every week Eran Thomson takes one word suggested by you and uses it as a leaping off point to explore the benefits of improv and how they can help you perform better in both your personal and professional life. Produced by PowerProv (fka LMA Professional Development), this thought-provoking three-minute podcast is, in a word: inspiring.
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Eran Thomson